Pinata making

What’s a party without a pinata? Well, parties are super expensive and things add up. I don’t like spending 20 dollars or so on a pinata only for it to be destroyed. So my solution? Make my own using things I already have in my house. Check out this cute puppy pinata I just made in under an hour.

Here is how I made this one:

1. Cut out two matching circles from a cardboard box.

2. Cut the sides off of a cereal box into strips.

3. Used masking tape to secure the strips to the cardboard circles.

4. Cut tissue paper into strips.

5. Glued tissue paper onto pinata.

5. Printed and colored a puppy to attach on the front.

*If you want more detailed instructions check out these other posts I have written on pinata making by clicking hereĀ  or here or here!




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